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Sheridan-hood         VFW post 3065
        2023  all           American post

To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans. 

The post meets every 2nd Monday

of each month at 6:30pm.


Auxiliary meets 3rd Monday

of each month at 6:00 pm


Please see calendar for upcoming events



Not sure if you are eligible for membership for the Post or our Auxiliary? Please check out our membership page.

Commanders Note

May 2024


Greetings everyone and welcome. Its been a wonderful year so far and we at the post are excited to finally head into summer. As we prepare for the Department and National conventions,  Here's some of what we have coming up:





















Bingo is on a summer break but it will be back in August, we will still have Karaoke the second Saturday in June. In canteen news, we've added several new drinks, liquors and Non-Alcoholic Beer selections. Baseball is back and we will have every O's game in the canteen and hall. Finally school is almost out for the kids but the 2024-2025 Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen Essay Contest topics are already out. You can find the topics and entry forms on Have a wonderful summer everyone and please stay safe.

Presidents Message

My name is Michele Maszon and I am currently serving my 6th year as President for Auxiliary Post 3065.  It has been nothing but rewarding to say the least.  I joined coming in under my Grandfather who serviced in WWI and it has been a real honor to do things for Veterans and their Families in his honor as well as all other Veterans that have served.  With a group of Members that are hands down some of the most awesome people I have ever met, we have been able to serve meals, hold fundraising functions for our Community as well as raising funds for different Military organizations such as McVets and The Baltimore Station and of course our own Post and let’s not forget the Military Dogs who help our Veterans who suffer from PTSD.  There is so much more the list would just go on and on and like I said, as a President, I have been rewarded with a great Auxiliary Board, the Members and our Community because these are the folks that keep us going.


I hope that if anyone sparks an interest you look our way as we would love to have you as a member if you meet the criteria.


God Bless you all and GOD BLESS THE USA

Department of Maryland and VFW National


Service doesn't end when you get out of the military. We are all #stillserving in our communities
Click below to find out more on the VFW's #stillserving initiative
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